'A Food Fight | Pastor Keion Henderson'

01:33:35 Sep 8, 2023
'If you’ve ever wondered why it seems like every time you take two steps forward you get knocked back six steps, and it feels like you\'re in this endless cycle fighting for your sanity. What you\'re experiencing is God preparing to distribute your gift to the world, but before this happens you\'re required to be broken by him first. Being broken is confirmation that you’re one step closer to your destiny and the devil isn’t happy about that.  To reach your potential, you will need to embrace the breakings and beatings that life presents because your destiny is always in the direction of the heat, and without heat, you miss out on all that God has for you. When you avoid the breakings that life presents, you forfeit your breakthrough. Remember it is in the fiery furnace that you\'re going to get what God has for you, so sometimes you have to walk in the heat on purpose understanding that the fire is your friend.  If you pay attention to the patterns of the enemy, you’ll notice that he always picks a fight with you when you\'re in the middle of getting your life together. He picks a fight with you to disrupt the progress that you’ve made because he knows that you’ll get discouraged to the point where you want to give up. This is the devil\'s attempt to control you because if he can control you, he can starve your family. He will always turn your harvest into a battleground because he knows you will destroy the harvest by fighting pointless battles.   Lastly, you have to get over the struggles and hardships that you’ve faced in your life because God strategically allowed everything you went through to prepare you for this moment. Now it’s time to use what you have in your hands to fight the devil just like David did when he fought and defeated Goliath.' 
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